The attached file exhibits several problems: There should be a bar line at the beginning of the first alternative. Putting one in explicitly does not cause it to appear in the score. Taking out the Score.defaultBarType="empty" does, but you should be able to get a barline by specifying one even when the default is empty.
There should be only one and not two barlines in the middle of the second alternative. In general, the \grace{s8} workaround for the grace notes in only one part of a score works; it doesn't seem to here. Does anyone know a better workaround? The cis''8 at the beginning of the last measure of the top line should have a sharp on it. Presumably something (probably the grace note) has lily confused about where the measure starts. The odd beaming in the bass line of the second alternative is presumably another artifact of the above. This is with 1.6.8.
\header { composer = "Francesco Maria Veracini (1690-1768)" crossRefNumber = "1" footnotes = "" tagline = "Lily was here 1.6.8 -- automatically converted from ABC" title = "Sonata Decima" } voiceB = \notes { \property Score.defaultBarType="empty" \property Staff.instrument = treble \repeat volta 2 { \grace { f''8 } ees''4 r16 ees''16 f''16 ees''16 ees''8 d''8 r16 f''16 e''!16 d''16 } \alternative{{ cis''16. a'32 d''16. b'32 \grace { d''8 } cis''8. d''16 d''4. } { cis''16. a'32 d''16. b'32 \grace { d''8 } cis''8. d''16 d''4. bes''!8 \bar "|" cis''8 d''16 e''16 e''8. d''16 d''2 ^\fermata \bar "|." }} } voiceC = \notes { \property Score.defaultBarType="empty" \key d \minor \clef bass \repeat volta 2 { \grace{s8} r8 g16 c'16 a8 f8 bes,8 bes16 a16 bes8 g8 \bar "|" } \alternative{{ a8 f16 g16 \grace{s8}a8 a,8 d4. } { a8 f16 g16 \grace{s8} a8 a,8 d4. g8 \bar "|" \grace{s8} g8 f16 g16 a8 a,8 d,2 ^\fermata \bar "|." }} } voicedefault = \notes { \property Score.defaultBarType="empty" \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C \time 4/4 \key d \minor }\score{ \notes < \context Staff="1" { \voicedefault \voiceB } \context Staff="2" { \voicedefault \voiceC } > \paper { \translator { \StaffContext } } \midi {} }
-- Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , ) (617) 661-8097 fax: (801) 365-6574 233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
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