>>>>> "Fulko" == Fulko van Westrenen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Fulko> I try to set some barless music, a modern variant of
    Fulko> Gregoriant chant.  There are no normal bars: bars are only
    Fulko> used to separate the different parts. 

The way I do barless music is to make the default bar type empty, and
then put in explicit bars where I want them.

    Fulko> The notes have no stems, only quarters and halves are
    Fulko> used. This is no problem using Lilypond. You only need lots
    Fulko> of spaces (s1,s2,...).

    Fulko> \property Score.timing = ##f
    Fulko> \property Voice.Stem \set #'transparent = ##t
    Fulko> together with a clever use of \stemDown and \stemUp

I don't understand why you use \stemDown and \stemUp if the stems are

    Fulko> The rests I would like to use are :
    Fulko> \fetaneomensmaximarest{\char14}
    Fulko> \fetaneomenslongarest{\char15}
    Fulko> \fetaneomensbreverest{\char16}

    Fulko> I have two questions about this: 
    Fulko> -how to I select them? (I cannot call them with the normal names such as r4)
    Fulko> -for the other melody-lines I must force a space. How do I do that for 
    Fulko> special rests? (I cannot use s4)

I'd look at input/test/rests.ly.  It looks like the answer might be:
        \property Staff.Rest \set #'style = #'mensural

And then in the other lines, set the rests to be invisible, which I
don't know how to do off the top of my head, but it must be possible.
Or you can probably use s4 if you are doing what I suggest above using
invisible barlines.

Hope this helps.  It could well be that I'm recommending what I do
because I don't understand what you do.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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