Never mind -- it turns out that the error was happening in the next line.
An off-by-one error in the line count, I guess, or else emacs' line
numbering doesn't match lilypond's.


> Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 03:16:47 -0800
> From: Michael Vanier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm getting strange warning messages in a lilypond file that are unrelated
> to the contents of the line being warned about:
> warning: unbound spanner `Beam':
>     s1
> warning: beam has less than two visible stems:
>     s1
> warning: Beam has less than two stems. Removing beam.:
>     s1
> Line 147 just has "s1" i.e. there's nothing there.  Originally there was
> something there, but whatever is there gives exactly the same warning
> messages.  Since the warnings are unrelated to the contents of the line,
> how do I tell what's wrong?
> Mike

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