It seems that noone else who answered bothered to actually take a look at the file you refer to. The PS and PDF versions of the manual for the stable Lilypond version are indeed broken. The underlying problem is an error in the font setup for the Type1 versions of the musical fonts. For the moment, I recommend you to look at the manual for the development version instead. Most of the features are the same.
I hope we will very soon see a release of Lilypond 1.6.8, since the bug mentioned above is fixed in the CVS archive. It's embarassing that the manual of the "stable" version is completely unreadable.
Jonathan Kelly wrote:
Hi there,
I downloaded the PDF version of the lilypond manual, but when I view it, it looks like I'm missing the music font; I get the staves but the note heads and other symbols just look like random characters.
Any ideas? Jonathan.
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