Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Thomas Willhalm in gnu.lilypond.bugs wrote:
>> melodie = \notes \relative c'' {
>>  \partial 2 r8 g g e | g4 g e8()c4. | r8 g' g a g \breathe  \bar "empty"
>> \break
>>  g g e | f4 f d8()b4. | r8 g' g a g \breathe \bar "empty" \break
>>  g g e | g4 g e8()c4. | r8 g' g a g \breathe \bar "empty" \break
>>  g g e | g g g g f d4. | c4 r
>>  \bar "|."
>> }
>> \score {
>>   \context Staff \melodie
>>   \paper { }
>> }
> I dare say that your example is fairly non-standard.

I have seen it several times that lines are broken at breathe mark.
In particular, the copy of the attached song was set in this way.
if you don't want to run lilypond yourself.)

I'm seeking for your advice, whether I should set it in the same way.
In my opinion, it's convenient for singing, but if others are irritated
and find it disturbing, I will change it.

Thanks for your advice
\version "1.6.7"
\paper{ papersize = "a4" }
\include ""
\include ""
Begleitung = \chords { 
 \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
 \skip 4 
 d2 b:min e:min a fis:min e:7 a4 e a 
BegleitungEnde = \chords { 
 \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
 a4:7 b2:min fis:min e:min a d b:min g:6 a b:min fis:min e:min a b:min e:min
 f a:7 d4 b:min g:6 a d2.
 \bar "|."
Melodie = \notes \transpose d \relative c'' {
 \property Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
 \property Staff.transposing = #+12
 \time 4/4 \key c \major \partial 4
  e8^"Strophe" f | g4 g8 e c4 d8 e | f4 e d \breathe\bar "empty"\break
  e8 f | g4 g8 g a4 b8 c | b4 a g \breathe\bar "empty"\break
MelodieEnde = \notes \transpose d \relative c''' {
  a8^"Refrain" b | c4 c8 c b4 g8 g | a4 a g \breathe\bar "empty"\break
  c,8 d | e4 e8 e e4 d8 c | d2.   \breathe\bar "empty"\break
  a'8 b | c4 c8 c b4 g8 g | a4 a g\breathe\bar "empty"\break
  c,8 d | e4 [e8 e] [f8 e] f4 | g2.\breathe\bar "empty"
  c,8 d | e4 [e8 e] [f8 e] d4 | c2.

textstrophea = \lyrics {
\property LyricsVoice . stanza = "1."  

 Wenn das Brot, das wir tei -- len, als Ro -- se blüht
 und das Wort, das wir spre -- chen, als Lied er -- klingt,
textstropheb= \lyrics {
\property LyricsVoice . stanza = "2."  
 Wenn das Leid je -- des Ar -- men uns Chris -- tus zeigt
 und die Not, die wir lin -- dern, zur Freu -- de wird,
textstrophec= \lyrics {
 \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "3."  
 Wenn die Hand, die wir hal -- ten, uns sel -- ber hält
 und das Kleid, das wir schen -- ken, auch uns be -- deckt,
textstrophed= \lyrics {
 \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "4."  
 Wenn der Trost, den wir ge -- ben, uns wei -- ter trägt
 und der Schmerz, den wir tei -- len, zur Hoff -- nung wird,
textstrophee= \lyrics {
 \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "5."  
 Wenn das Leid, das wir tra -- gen, den Weg uns weist,
 und der Tod, den wir ster -- ben, vom Le -- ben singt,
textrefrain = \lyrics {
 dann hat Gott un -- ter uns schon sein Haus ge -- baut,
 dann wohnt er schon in un -- se -- rer Welt.
 Ja, dann schau -- en wir heut' schon sein An -- ge -- sicht
 in der Lie -- be, die al -- les um -- fängt,
 in der Lie -- be, die al -- les um -- fängt.
\score {
 \notes {
   \simultaneous {
     \context ChordNames \Begleitung
     \context Staff \Melodie
     \context Lyrics <
         \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-1" { \textstrophea }  
         \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-2" { \textstropheb }  
         \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-3" { \textstrophec }  
         \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-4" { \textstrophed }  
         \context LyricsVoice = "strophe-5" { \textstrophee }  
   \simultaneous {
     \context ChordNames \BegleitungEnde
     \context Staff \MelodieEnde
     \context Lyrics \textrefrain
  \paper { linewidth = 6.375 \in indent = 0.0 
         \translator {\ChordNamesContext chordChanges = ##t } 
         \translator{ \ScoreContext
             StanzaNumber \override #'break-align-symbol =  #'begin-of-note }
\score {
 \notes { 
   \simultaneous {
     \context Staff = "begleitung" { \Begleitung \BegleitungEnde }
     \context Staff = "melodie" { \Melodie\MelodieEnde }
  \midi  { \tempo 4 = 130 }
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