Hi. I'm writing a music exercises booklet with latex and lilypond-book. Each page has the following aspect:
\section{...} \subsection{...} \begin[20pt,noquote]{lilypond} ... \end{lilypond} \subsection{...} \begin[20pt,noquote]{lilypond} ... \end{lilypond} [other 2 or 3 subsections] \pagebreak It may occour that the lines of the last lilypond block break across 2 pages. So I have to insert, e.g., \paper{interscoreline=-5.0\mm}, trying different values, into some lilypond block in order to keep all the exercises of a section in exactly one page. Would it possible to force lilypond, or latex, to keep each section in one page, automatically detecting the right interscoreline into the lilypond blocks? -- Marco _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user