
Is it possible to have multiple score blocks on one
page? I wasn't aware you could do this. Where do you
put the paper block?

--- Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 08:01:34 -0800 (PST)
> Jeff Ousley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there a way to split up my music on one page? I
> > want an antiphon at the top of the page seperate
> from
> > the music/verses at the bottom of the page. The
> > anitiphon and verses are quite different. Is there
> a
> > way to force a break or would I do a new score
> block
> > or something else entirely?
> A new score is probably the easiest.  You could play
> around with
> spacer rests (s1), or by stacking lots of empty text
> underneath the
> bottom line of your first piece (with
> _#""_#""_#""_#""_#""_#""), or
> a few other ways, but they're all ugly hacks.
> A slightly less easy solution, but probably the best
> one, is to use
> lilypond-book.  This could answer some of your other
> questions, too --
> the combination of LaTeX and Lilypond lets you do a
> lot more than Lilypond
> on its own.  It's well worth sitting down and
> figuring out how LaTeX works.
> (it also helps you understand some underlying
> concepts in Lilypond, too)
> Cheers,
> - Graham

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