Jeff Ousley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Thanks for the reply. I truly appreciate it and will > try your suggestion. Forgive my ignorance, what is > melismata? Did I miss something in the lilypond doc? I > see it mentioned once, but not as you do.
Hmm, indeed, it's missing from the glossary. One entry found for melisma. Main Entry: melisma # Pronunciation: mi-'liz-m& Function: noun Form(s): plural melismata # /-m&-t&/ Inflected Form(s): plural melismata # /-m&-t&/ Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, song, melody, from melizein to sing, from melos song Date: circa 1880 1 : a group of notes or tones sung on one syllable in plainsong 2 : melodic embellishment 3 : CADENZA - melismatic # /"me-l&z-'ma-tik/ adjective In this case, it's 1 :. > thanks! Greetings Jan. -- Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter | _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]