I have been typesetting simple (single note melodies) music, adding lyrics
and chords.
I am curious: #1. How I can skip a chord on a pickup measure? i.e. 3/4 time
and the first measure has only one beat, while the last has the other two.
I know in the notes area to use \skip 4*2 in that instance, but in the
chords, the first chord is not played until the first full measure. How can
I do that?
#2. When outputting the midi file, the tie on notes seems to be ignored.
For instance g'2.() g'2. is tied in my PS file but in the midi file, two g
notes are played.
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- Re: Lilypond with teTeX 2 Doug Asherman
- Re: Two simple questions Jeremy Cowgar
- Re: Two simple questions Jérémie Lumbroso
- Re: Two simple questions Jeremy Cowgar
- Re: Two simple questions Graham Percival
- Re: Two simple questions Jeremy Cowgar