David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 01:18:57 Paul Scott wrote:I don't even consider that an exception to my comment. I have no problem with music numbered every bar even for rehearsal or performance. That's a good thing for me. It's just when the numbering is every 5 bars and there are multiple measure rests which usually don't match with the phrases and I have to count those while rehearsing or performing. My comments are most relevant when I am wearing my instrumentalist hat and so are addressed to composers, publishers, or copyists.
Heikki Johannes Junes wrote:Yes, except when you are still working on the piece. Then, you
*If* it matches the phrases. I absolutely *hate* reading music numbered every 5 bars which is typical of some band music especially when there are multiple measure rests broken up by these unmusical divisions. IMNSHO the bar numbers or letters should match the phrases and logical musical subdivisions.Instead, what one typically wants is bar numbering at 1, 5, 9, 13, ...Even more accurately, at 5, 9, 13, 17, ...
want every bar numbered. So all the bars should be numbered by
default until the user takes out whatever numbers he wants to
remove. DaveA
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