> After a small bugfix in the accidental engraver (1.7 cvs), this hack
> does more or less what you request.
> The last measure shows an example where it goes wrong. Problem is that
> the music is parsed "in input order" - so the 2nd e gets an accidental
> because the 1st was not entered yet, whereas the first does not get an
> accidental because it is defined right after the 2nd. But if you use
> simple constructs then it should work... Hmmm... Otherwise then speak
> up.
> #(define usep '())
> #(define buildp '()) 
> #(define ((schoenberg-accidentals clear) music)
>   (let* ((es (ly:get-mus-property music 'elements))
>          (e (ly:get-mus-property music 'element))
>          (p  (ly:get-mus-property music 'pitch))
>          (ts  (ly:get-mus-property music 'types)))

just a small note: I recently made a music-map function that takes the
tedious work of recursing over the music expression out of your
hands. Perhaps it also works for this case.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen 

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