When I state a key for a piece in Lilypond I expect it to follow common rules for writing music, i.e. not to put natural signs on every note which should be "altered" in that key (e.g., in D major, for f and c) Infact, when writing music by hand, alterations are put on the key to spare the work of putting them on every single note which is altered in that key with respect to C major! Instead, Lilypond puts natural signs on every note which is not explicitely written with an accidental, which is quite disappointing, since it does know where accidentals should NOT be put! So I think there ought to be a way to change this unlogical, and unmusical, behaviour of lilypond. I'm sure there are experts out there who know this (after all simple) solution. Thanks and best regards Silvio a Beccara
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