I tried again to write a song for my wife and encountered problems with the spacing of lyrics.
Also after upgrading to 1.6.5 my problems persist:
The lyric texts are sometimes too close together (In the appended example the words "tanzt auf" in the last line.
Also the accompanying chords are strange: the 7 in g2:7 overlaps the G.
Is there a simple recipy to center align the lyrics syllables with the notes? (I couldn't get the lyrics-syllable-interface set correctly).
Quite certainly I am doing something wrong, but where should I look?
Best regards
PS.: I renamed the 1.6.4 lilypond hierarchy to make sure that no old style is used.

\input titledefs.tex
\header {
title = "Der Katzentatzentanz"
% poet = "Text: Josef Guggenmos"
% composer = "Text und Melodie: Fredrik Vahle"
poet = "Text und Melodie: Fredrik Vahle"
tagline = "Gesetzt mit Lilypond"
tagline = " "

\include "deutsch.ly"
melody = \notes \relative c' {
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\partial 4
g'8 e | c c c c c c g' f | \break
c c c c c c
g' g | \break
a f a c g4 g8 g | h8 g h g c4
\bar "|:"
g8 g |\break a f a c g4 g8 g | h g h g c4
\bar ":|"

text = \lyrics < {
Kam der I- gel zu der Kat- ze: Bit- te reich mir dei- ne Tat- ze!
Mit dem I- gel tanz ich nicht, ist mir viel zu sta- che- lig.
Und die Kat- ze tanzt al- lein, tanzt und tanzt auf ei- nem Bein.

accompaniment =\chords {
c4 c1 g1:7
f2 c2 g2 c2
f2 c2 g2:7 c2

\score {
\simultaneous {
\context ChordNames \accompaniment
\context Staff = mel
\property Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
\melody }
\context Lyrics {
\property Lyrics . lyricsyllableinterface \override #'alignment = #0
%?? \property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'alignment = #0
% \midi { \tempo 4=105}



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