Thanks to those who responded regarding my 'potential error'.  I realised the 's' 
shortly after I sent the email!  The problem is not in Lilypond but in NoteEdit - I've 
discovered.  In Lilypond the code goes:

Staff { \notes {blah blah blah }}
Lyrics {blah blah blah}

\score {
 \simultaneous {
      \property Staff.skipbars = ##t
      \context Staff="StaffA" \StaffA
      \context Lyrics="StaffAText \ StaffAText
\paper {
     linewidth = 160.00 \mm
     textheight = 230.00 \mm

When I tried putting the '\translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent' under the 
\paper, I got an error - the unexpected SCM thingy and I got the same when I tried to 
specify the minimumVertical Extent under \score as  \context 

Could the \simultaneous be causing the problem?

Also ... when I specify the linewidth and textheight, run the .ly and generate the 
.ps, then look at it in gv - often it will be on one page (most of my stuff is like 
that). When I go to print it, I will lose the copyright across the bottom.  Further, 
on some pages which have textheight = 240.00 \mm it works, while others with it as 
230.00 \mm it chopped it off - yet in both cases, Ghostview showed it to be on 1 page 
- complete and perfect the way I want it.  I tried ps2pdf and although these look 
fine, they too will print out inconsistently.  Is this a problem through Lilypond? the 
printer driver? Ghostview?  If it's a simple margin thingy, just TELL me so, and I'll 
work within it - just end this guessing!!

Thanks to all, you've been most helpful, and patient!


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