I'd like to change font-name for bar number, so I overrided it. But, after doing that,
font size is not suitable. Its size is as large as that for composer.
To correct the size, I also overrided font-relative-size, but it didn't work.
Some fraction of my code is,
\score {
\context PianoStaff \notes
\property Score.BarNumber \override #'padding = #3
\property Score.BarNumber \override #'font-name = #"pgml8r"
\property Score.BarNumber \override #'font-relative-size = #-2
I think there is no syntax error since ly2dvi doesn't complain. font-relative-size
doesn't work. Even though
I set that value as -10, nothing changed. But, after removing font-name property,
font-relative-size works well.
Is it impossible to set font size with additional font like ITC Garamond(pgm)? or was
there a mistake to me?
I'm using LilyPond 1.6.4 under cygwin.
ChoongHwan Lee
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where nobody will have to work very hard just to make a living. People will be free to
devote themselves to activities that are fun, such as programming, after spending the
necessary ten hours a week on required tasks such as legislation, family counseling,
robot repair and asteroid prospecting.
from The GNU Manifesto
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