I'm attempting to typeset a piece which has multiple parts (SATB), 
each of which have two verses of lyrics.  I can't get the lyrics to 
align at all with the notes, either via \addlyrics or by manually 
specifying the duration of each syllable.  I'm pretty new to Lilypond, 
pardon if I'm missing something obvious - I didn't see anything in the 
documentation.  I was able to get the first word to line up with the 
first note by doing:
        \property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'alignment = #7
but everything else is still off.

Lilypond file attached, TIA.
\include "paper16.ly"

\header {
        subtitle = "John Anderson"
        poet = "R. Burns"
        composer = "Schumann"
        tagline = ""
global = \notes {
        \time 3/4
        \key e \major

        \property Score.BarNumber \override #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
        \property Score.barNumberVisibility = #(lambda(n) (= 0 (modulo n 5)))
        %\property Score.BarNumber \override #'molecule-callback = 
#(make-molecule-boxer 0.1 1.5 1.5 Text_item::brew_molecule)
        \property Score.BarNumber \override #'font-relative-size = #1

        \bar "|."

%theLyrics = \lyrics <
%       \property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'alignment = #7
%       \lyrics {
%               \partial 4 "1. John"4 An8. -- der16 -- son,4 mein4 Lieb!2 wir4 ha8. -- 
ben16 uns4. ge8 -- se4 -- hen, wie8 __ ra4. -- ben8 -- schwarz dein
%               Haar,2 die4 Stir8. -- ne16 glatt4. und8 sch\"{o}n,2 John4 An8. -- 
der16 -- son,4 mein Lieb!2 Nun4 Gl\"{a}t8. -- te16 nicht4 und Lo8 ________ -- cke4. 
%               sch\"{o}n4. -- en8 Stir -- ne blieb,2 doch4 seg8. -- ne16 Gott4 dein 
schnee8. -- ig16 Haupt,4 John An8. -- der16 -- son,4 mein8 __ \partial 2 Lieb!2
%       }
%       \lyrics {
%               \partial 4 "2. John"4 An8. -- der16 -- son,4 mein4 Lieb!2 wir4 klom8. 
-- men16 froh4. berg8 -- auf2 und4 man4.-- chen8 hei -- tern
%               Tag2 be4 -- gr\"{u}s8. -- sten16 wir4 im4 Lauf!2 John4 An8. -- der16 
-- son,4 mein Lieb!2 Nun4 ab8. -- w\"{a}rts16 Hand4 in Hand8 ________ froh8
%               wies4. berg8 -- auf uns trieb,2 und4 un8. -- ten16 sel4 -- ges8 __ 
Schla8. -- fen16 -- gehn,4 John An8. -- der16 -- son,4 mein \partial 2 Lieb!2
%       }

theLyrics = \lyrics <
        \property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'alignment = #7
                "1. John" An -- der -- son, mein Lieb! wir ha -- ben uns ge -- se -- 
hen, wie __ ra -- ben -- schwarz dein
                Haar, die Stir -- ne glatt und sch\"{o}n, John An -- der -- son, mein 
Lieb! Nun Gl\"{a}t -- te nicht und Lo ________ -- cke der
                sch\"{o}n -- en Stir -- ne blieb, doch seg -- ne Gott dein schnee -- 
ig Haupt, John An -- der -- son, mein __ Lieb!
                "2. John" An -- der -- son, mein Lieb! wir klom -- men froh berg -- 
auf und man chen hei -- tern
                Tag be -- gr\"{u}s -- sten wir im Lauf! John An -- der -- son, mein 
Lieb! Nun ab -- w\"{a}rts Hand in Hand ________ froh
                wies berg -- auf uns trieb, und un -- ten sel -- ges __ Schla -- fen 
-- gehn, John An -- der -- son, mein Lieb!

sopranoVoice = \context Staff \notes \relative c'' {
        \context Voice=sopranoVoice

        \partial 4 b4\p

        cis8. cis16 cis4 \grace {cis8} e4\sf
        b2 b4
        gis8. a16 b4. cis8
        cis4( )fis, [fis8( )gis]
        b4. a8 cis a

        \grace {dis,8} fis2 b4
        e,8. e16 e8( )b'4 a8
        gis2 gis4
        cis8. cis16 cis4 dis\sf
        b2 b4
        fis8. a16 gis4 b
        [fis8.( a16] )gis4. gis8

        e'4.\fp dis8 \grace {dis} cis b
        ais2 a4\p
        gis8. cis16 fis,4 a
        gis8. cis16 fis,4 e
        cis'8.\pp cis16 cis4 \grace {cis8} [e8\sf( )cis]
        \partial 2 b2-\fermata

altoVoice = \context Staff \notes \relative c' {
        \context Voice=altoVoice

        \partial 4 e4\p

        e8. e16 e4 e\sf
        e2 e4
        e8. e16 e4. e8
        <{e4 e} \\ {e2}> e4
        e4. e8 e e

        dis2 dis4
        e8. e16 e4 fis
        e2 e4
        e8. e16 e4 fis\sf
        dis2 dis4
        e8. fis16
        e4 dis
        [e8.( fis16] )e4. e8

        e4.\fp fis8 gis gis
        fis2 fis4\p
        e8. e16 e4 [cis8( )dis]
        e8. e16 dis4 cis
        e8.\pp e16 e4 e\sf
        \partial 2 e2-\fermata

tenorVoice = \context Staff \notes \relative c'' {
        \context Voice=tenorVoice

        \partial 4 gis4\p

        a8. a16 a4 a\sf
        gis2 gis4
        e8. fis16 gis4. a8
        a4( )cis cis
        cis4. cis8 cis cis

        b2 b4
        b8. b16 b4 b4
        b2 b4 
        b8. b16 b4 [gis8\sf ais8]
        b2 b4
        b8. b16 b4 b
        b( )b4. b8

        cis4.\fp bis8 cis cis
        cis2 b?4\p
        b8. a16 a4 [fis8( )b]
        b8. a16 a4 gis
        a8.\pp a16 a4 a\sf
        \partial 2 gis2-\fermata

bassVoice = \context Staff \notes \relative c {
        \context Voice=bassVoice

        \partial 4 e4\p

        b8. b16 b4 b\sf
        e2 e4
        e8. e16 e4. a,8
        a4( )a' [a8( )gis]
        fis4. fis8 fis a

        b2 b4
        cis,8. cis16 cis4 dis
        e2 e4
        a,8. a16 a4 a\sf
        b2 b4
        cis8. dis16 e4 b
        [cis8.( dis16] )e4. e8

        cis4.\fp dis8 e eis
        fis2 dis4\p
        e8. a,16 b4 b
        e8. a,16 b4 cis
        b8.\pp b16 b4 b\sf
        \partial 2 e2-\fermata

\score {
        \context StaffContainer <
                \context StaffGroup = Voice <
                        \context Staff = Soprano <
                                \property Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
                                \property Staff.automaticMelismata= ##t
                                \clef treble
                                        \context Lyrics = Soprano \theLyrics
                        \context Staff = Alto <
                                \property Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
                                \property Staff.automaticMelismata= ##t
                                \clef treble
                                        \context Lyrics = Alto \theLyrics
                        \context Staff = Tenor <
                                \property Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
                                \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
                                \clef treble
                                        \context Lyrics = Tenor \theLyrics
                        \context Staff = Bass <
                                \property Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
                                \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
                                \clef bass
                                        \context Lyrics = Bass \theLyrics

        \paper {
                indent = 0.0
                %\translator {
                %       \ScoreContext
                %       StanzaNumber \override #'break-align-symbol = #'begin-of-note
                %linewidth = 17.0 \cm
                %linewidth = -1.0 \cm
                %\translator {\OrchestralScoreContext}
                %\translator {
                %       \StaffContext
                %       barColumnPriority = #0;
                %       marginBreakPriority = #-4;
                %       %\consists "Mark_engraver";
                %       %\consists "Bar_number_engraver";

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