Graham Percival wrote:

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 10:30:06 -0700
Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For a simple piece with score and parts how do I cause the tempo marking to appear only at once above the top part in the score and and once at the beginning of each part. This will be a fairly standard marking like:

AFAIK, there is no easy good way of doing this.  I've been thinking about
requesting this feature for a while.

Actually your last two solutions sound like they have possibilities. Possibly something from this could be added to the docs when you have time. When I get clearer on this I'll post my solution. Of course this also needs to work anywhere else in the score.

where I do know how to create '<note> = 100' as per the manual.

Text markup, IIRC.  It's in one of the "text" sections in the reference manual.

As I said I found that one:

"One practical application of complicated markup is to fake a metronome marking:"

even though I intend to dig further into how those defines work.

So far I put it in the first part and it, of course, appeared on the score and on the first part and of course not on the other parts.

Three options:
- Place a mark (see the reference manual) in every single part of your piece.
Print parts.  Then go back and comment out the marks in all parts apart from
the first one, then print a score.

That sounds very awkward for a full orchestral score. (Not for me in this case but for others).

- use something like \header {meter="Allegro (quarter = 120)"

That has possibilities and might solve another problem. I'm going to post a question or two about vertical spacing when I get a chance. My tempo marking is too close to the notes right now.

- define a "tempopart" part which looks like this:
tempopart = \notes { s1^#(note (something "= 120) see-refman) }
In your parts, include both the actual part and tempopart.
\context Staff < \violinpart \tempopart>
In the full score, only include the \tempopart in the first staff.

That sounds more straight forward. I'll work on that.
I've done all three of them, and they all have disadvantages.

What are the disadvantages of the last one.

Thanks very much,


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