On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 18:50:05 +0000
David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, what I expected was that after the beginning of the \cadenzaOn
> time would not be counted until after \cadenzaOff.  Immediately before the
> \cadanzaOn is a half-note.  Then the cadenza and then a quarter (dotted 8th
> + 2 32nds) which makes 3/4.  It worked earlier when I did this:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%
>       bes4-\fermata 
> \cadenzaOn
> \cadenzaOff
>       c4 \property Staff.fontSize = #0
>       a8.-\trill(  g32 )a bes4 r |

> In this example the \cadenzaOn/Off appeared to simply turn off any time
> count during the cadenza and turned it back on when I asked it to in order
> to complete the "count" of the measure.  What have I done differently in
> this example that makes it work?

You this example, you have 1/4 beats before the cadenza and 4/4 beats after
the cadenza.  It looks like time is reset when it's "turned off and on".

- Graham

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