> JS> Is there a way to leave the tenor and bass bars out until the 10th 
> JS> measure, so the piece starts for 10 mm with only soloist and piano, then 
> JS> at measure 10 the tenor and bass bar are added.
> It seems like you're asking for Hara Kiri, do you know about it?
> Just add the following to your paper block:
>   \translator {
>      \HaraKiriStaffContext
>   }
> I know that it would have desired effect with the only side-effect
> that the staves will disappear each time there's a line-long supply of
> rests.

You may want to insert a \break before the bar where the
new staves should appear, to get a new line. Of course, 
the full bar rests should be coded with R1*10 (or R2.*10
if you are in triple meter).


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