At 09:15 20/09/02, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
>Did you really use the
>file, it looks as if you used the skeleton version

and Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

>They should have been changed.  Could it be that you installed the
>input (buildscripts/ instead of the generated
>script: buildscripts/out/lilypond-profile?

yup, you both got it in one. That was exactly what I had done, it all works 
beautifully now

I know what  I must have done, its a combination of not reading the 
INSTALL.txt closely enough, and using the filename completion features of 
bash to save time, which would have led me to copying the wrong file across 
- the documentation is clear enough.

Might be worth adding a comment into the file to the 
effect of "if this is in your /etc directory, you've copied the wrong file" 
? - just a thought...

thanks for your help

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