
I am writing a paper on musical analysis. In there I need score-examples
where the notes are grouped together. Normally this is done via a horizontal
bracket underneath the score. As the exmples are musically quit simple I started
by using slurs. But I ran into two problems:
It seems that I cannot use slurs to bind notes and rests. And second (which is
more severe) I need a grouping-hierachy. So I need to be able to do more than
one level of grouping...
Does anyone have an idea you this could be achieved?
I am writing the paper in LaTeX so any hacks using (La)Tex-commands in the lyrics
section or so, to achieve the grouping would help me, too.

Here is a little ASCII-picture of what I am trying to do:

   c c r    c c r     c c r   c c r             <--- notes
  |------| |------|  |-----| |-----|            <--- grouping level 1
 |-----------------||---------------|           <--- grouping level 2
|------------------------------------|          <--- grouping level 3

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

thanks in advance,


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