> have a different definition for each value.  Of course I can
> do that now, but I'd rather do it in lilypond.  Is it particularly
> impossible to adopt or adapt the LaTeX \newcommand to make
> that possible?  With that you can pass multiple parameters to a
> command (or combination of commands?)  

It is absolutely out of the question. I am not, NEVER going to add
macros to lilypond. They make a complete mess of a nice language, and
if you don't believe me, go read LaTeX definition files, or try to
make heads and tails of what's written in chapter 20 of the TeX book.

I mean, if Donald Knuth manages to make a macro language into
something unintelligible, how do you suppose that a mere mortal like
me is ever going to make something clean out of it?

This decision is final. If you want parametrisation, learn Scheme.

Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen 

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