> Heyla!
> I'm still struggling with some apparently fundamental, basic concepts.
> The internals for Timing_engraver says that "In order to create
> polyrhythmic music, this engraver should be removed from Score and
> placed in Staff."

I've added an example to the distribution; see below

Also  -- this is pretty nonstandard stuff, I wonder if this should be
in the regular manual at all.

\header {
texidoc = "Polymetric music with aligned note values can be written
 by moving the timing engraver to staff context."

\score {

<\context Staff = SA{

    % \time hardcodes \property Score.XXX = YYY
    \property Staff.timeSignatureFraction = #'(4 . 4)
    \property Staff.measureLength = #(make-moment 1 1)
    \property Staff.beatLength = #(make-moment 1 4)
    c1 c1 c1  }
\context Staff= SB {
    \property Staff.timeSignatureFraction = #'(3 . 4)
    \property Staff.measureLength = #(make-moment 3 4)
    \property Staff.beatLength = #(make-moment 1 4)
    c2. c2.  c2. c2.  }


        \translator{ \ScoreContext
                        \remove "Timing_engraver" }
        \translator{ \StaffContext
                        \consists "Timing_engraver"}

Hope this helps.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen 

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