On Tue, 03 Sep 2002 21:30:00 Rune Zedeler wrote:
> Karl Berry wrote:
> > 1) there's a spurious measure number printed at the end of each line.
> >    For example, 6 on the first line, which repeats as the measure number
> >    at the beginning of the second line.  This is a printing problem
> >    only, not a numbering problem.
> This is because you have set the break-visibility to #all-visible.
> If you instead use #end-of-line-invisible then you get the desired result.
> > 2) the numbering is off from the beginning.  The measure labeled `2' is
> >    actually measure 3, and the real measure 2 is not numbered.
> No, this is not true. The 1st upbeat (the partial measure) should NOT 
> get a bar-number. Numbering begins with the first whole measure which is 
> what you see in your score.
> If you really need an alternative numbering then you could insert
> \property Score.currentBarNumber = #2
> in start of score.
> > 3) the last measure before the repeat is numbered 8.  Then the first
> >    (partial) measure after the repeat is not numbered (it should have
> >    been 9).  And then the first full measure after the repeat is again
> >    numbered 8 (it should be 10).  (Actually, all those numbers are off
> >    by 1 because of problem #2, but you get the idea, I hope.)
> Again, default notation would be not to give the partial measure a bar 
> number so that the incomplete measure before the :|: and the partial 
> measure after together form a complete measure.
> What you see now is wrong, though.

A partial or pickup does not rate even a 0, because there is no
such thing as a measure!

You really number bars, not measures.  A bar is something and a measure
is nothing, in the sense that a measure is not a symbol.  A bar is an
indication of a first beat.  A pickup-anacrusis-partial doesn't
start with a first beat.  No bar, no number.

It's ok to call measures bars, because a bar is something and a
measure isn't, but it has caused people to have to refer
to bars as barlines.

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