I'm new here so I apologise if this has been discussed before. It seems to
me that interpreting the chords as actual notes is of limited value(I'm sure
someone is going to disagree with this but can you give an example of where
you would use it if you do). Most chordal instruments(well in Jazz anyway)
wouldn't play C9 as <c e g bes d>.
In most cases don't people just want the chords to be symbols above the
staff? What about having a 'chord symbol mode' where you can enter the
symbols you want and the symbols are placed there without the notes being
interpreted and without all the guessing as to added/removed notes etc.
ie  c8:m9 -> Cm9
    c8:m11 -> Cm11
    c8:m7b5 -> Cm7b5
    c8:13 -> C13
This would mean that there wouldn't be arguments over whether c8:maj is
Ctriangle or CMaj7 if you could enter c8:t say for Ctriangle.

This seems ridiculous c8:13^9.11 for C13, by the way here's a nice guitar
voicing for C13 that includes the 9th <c e bes' d a>

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