On 19 Aug, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > Laurent Duperval <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >> For some reason, beams for my scores appear above the notes. How do I >> correct this? > > Example? > LilyPond version? >
Oh, I thought it was a property thing, not a bug. I'm using 1.5.73 from CVS. I'm attaching my example and the output I get. L -- Laurent Duperval <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Il ne me reste plus qu'à trouver à quoi ça pourrait bien servir! -Léonard le génie
% vim:nocindent:si \include "paper26.ly" \score { \context Staff \notes\relative c'' < \property Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)" \time 2/4 \key f \major \context Voice = one { %%%%%%%%%%%%% % Ligne 1 %%%%%%%%%%%% \repeat volta 3 { <a8 d g> <a8 d g> ~ <a16 d g> <a8 d g> <g16 c f> ~ <g16 c f> <g8 c f> ~ <g16 c f> ~ <g4 c f> } <f8 ces' ees> r16 <f16 ces' ees> ~ <f8 ces' ees> r16 <e16 bes' des> ~ <e4. bes' des> r8 \repeat volta 2 { <a8. c g'> <a16 c e> ~ <a8 c e> d8 [<a8. c g'> <a16 c e> e'16] [<a,16 c e> a16 d8] [<b8 d g> <f b e>] [<f b e> <f b d>] [<b8 d g> <f16 b e> <f b e>] ~ [<f16 b e> f <b d> <bes f>] } } \\ { \repeat volta 3 { f4 c8. r16 ees4 bes8 ees } [des8 r16 des16] ~ [des8 r16 c16] ~ c4. r8 \repeat volta 2 { f,4 f f f g g g g8. r8 g g8. r8 c ges8. r8 f4 f f8. r8 c4 } }> \paper{ } \midi{ } }
Description: GNU Zip compressed data