
I've just installed lilypond 1.5.73.  I get the following error
message on every call to ly2dvi.  An example:

,----[ ly2dvi emacs-lily.ly ]
| Running LilyPond...
| GNU LilyPond 1.5.73
| Now processing: `emacs-lily.ly'
| Parsing...Backtrace:
| 0* generic-staff-properties
| ERROR: In expression generic-staff-properties:
| ERROR: Unbound variable: generic-staff-properties
| error: 
| LilyPond failed on the input file. (exit status 2)
| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "/usr/users/nk/local/bin/ly2dvi", line 984, in ?
|     run_lilypond (files, dep_prefix)
|   File "/usr/users/nk/local/bin/ly2dvi", line 502, in run_lilypond
|     error ("\n\nLilyPond failed on the input file. (exit status %d)\n" % exit_status)
|   File "/usr/users/nk/local/bin/ly2dvi", line 144, in error
|     raise _ ("Exiting ... ")
| Exiting ... 
| hallo3

The source is very simple:

,----[ emacs-lily.ly ]
| \score {
|     \notes {
|       \clef tenor
|       \key es \major
|       \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C
|       \time 4/4 s2
|       es4 f g as bes
|     }
| }

I guess, something went astray during the compilation process, but I'm
pretty stuck, since a grep over the sources produces no match for

Thanks for any pointers,

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