Thanks for your detailed response, but I am afraid I still have problems
with each one of your alternatives. Your prompt feedback would be greatly

1) Alternative 3B would be ideal for me, since that is exactly the
situation. But the problem is that I have cgwin in one directory and Miktex
in another and I think lilypond-book will not be able to find all the files
included (I have a lot  of "input filename" for each chapter. But this is
not the biggest problem. For I can create a muckup file.tex with only the
lilypond examples and then manually move the eps files to the right
directroy. THE real problem is that when I apply lilypond-book to
filename.tex it produce a file filename.latex which is exactly the same it
does nothing on the file. IT does not create any EPS or anything. That's the
real problem which is now driving me crazy.

2) As an alternative 2 or 2B would be eventually fine, I could just move the
files again manually. But the problem is that the PDFs generaged this way
are not simply the score but a whole page with page number and "Lilypond was
here" and all, whereas I just want the figure, so I can integrate into the
pdftex document. I think 1B) has the same problem.

Sorry, If I even get to write a new Lilypond tutorial for novices, I will
include all this.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Mats Bengtsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Carlos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "LilyPond User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: critical Lily to PDF question

> > Do you mean running dvips directly on file? Without previously
> > running Lilypond ?
> Alternative 1 (single .ly file, you get just the music no titles):
> >>lilypond
> >>pdftex file.tex

I was wrong about this one. In principle, it should be possible
to do
>> lilypond -fpdftex
>> pdftex file.pdftex
but unfortunately the backend for pdftex hasn't been updated
for a long time, so the result will look terrible (if you
even manage to get something out of Lilypond).

To conclude: the way to go is to first produce a .ps for the
full document followed by ps2pdf or to use epstopdf + pdflatex
on the output of lilypond-book.


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