Simon Bailey wrote:

>at the moment it is not possible to place a rehearsal mark on a bar line
>that is not followed by another bar. this makes it rather hard to place
>any playing directions (like "d.s. al fine" or "opt. repeat") on the
>last bar line.
>is there any way to resolve this?
I suppose a kludge workaround might be to place it on the penultimate 
barline and shift it so far over to the right that it appears to be over 
the last barline, e.g.
        \property Voice.RehearsalMark \override #'extra-offset = #'(6 . 0)

        c1\segno \bar "|."

or whatever value works for the x coordinate instead of 6.

Of course in the case of written directions you would use \property 



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink
that they may live.
                -- Socrates
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