On Thu, 2002-07-25 at 11:53, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> A related question: How do you change these priorities
> from within a .ly file if you want a special layout for
> one piece?

changing the priorities didnt actually work for me...

i did however find the portato symbol in the feta font documentation,
but not in the list of expressive marks in chapter 3.7.1

before that i was thinking of using the following construct:

a^#'(lines (music "scripts-staccato") (music "scripts-tenuto"))

this has the disadvantage that you have to know which way your notes are
currently pointing. there is probably a way that you can overcome this
similar to the definitions in script.scm, by defining one up symbol and
one down symbol and letting lily and guile do the rest...

now i know that didnt help... *g*

Confucius say, man who live in glass house shower in basement.

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