On Wed, 2002-07-10 at 11:02, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> > <<<
> > warning: couldn't find any font satisfying 
> > (#f italic medium roman -1)
> > 
> > >>>
> Hmm, thish should be fixed in scm/font.scm

i just investigated this. the corresponding entries in scm/font.scm are:

    ((3 medium italic roman 12) . "cmti12")
    ((2 medium italic roman 12) . "cmti12")
    ((1 medium italic roman 12) . "cmti12") ;;; ugh. Should add
magnification he
    ((0 medium italic roman 10) . "cmti12")
    ((-1 medium italic roman 8) . "cmti10")
    ((-2 medium italic roman 7) . "cmti8")
    ((-3 medium italic roman 7) . "cmti7")

looks like lilypond is generating the scm property the wrong way round?
("italic medium" rather than "medium italic")? which would now be the
better hack for me? change the entries in font.scm or wait for the next
lily-update (or has this already been fixed -- i'm using 1.5.65)?


Confucius say, man who live in glass house shower in basement.

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