Title: RE: lilypond-mode in Emacs on Windows


>> Try putting this in ylur .emacs file:

>Can that be done automatically, ie, does the Emacs for Windows
>configuration know the concept of a site start directory, something

>   /etc/emacs/site-start.d

>that we could copy the lilypond-init.el snippet to?
Yes this could be done, but most Windows systems are run by a single user so that it is unnecessary, but logically this is better.

>Also, could you tell were the other .ELs should be installed?
>> (Yes the regular expression does contain 8 backslashes in a row!

>Ah, that's nice.
Actually I miscounted - it's 7!

> Could you make this conditional, for Cygwin only, so that we can
> include it in lilypond-mode.el itself, something like:

>  (defun LilyPond-master-file ()
>    (if (on-cygwin-p)
>      (string-replace-match ".*\\(/\\|\\\\\\\)" (buffer-file-name) "" t
>      (buffer-file-name))

Yes this is the proper way to do it.  As a general rule I don't like to change the .el files in an emacs app, unless it's "official" otherwise I loose track.  I will get back to you with the proper code.  


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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