On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 16:32, Han-Wen wrote:
> > Well, I don't understand TEX fonts, so somehow I have managed to
> > get my lilypond installation into a non-functional state
> > (after it was initially working). I compiled version 1.4.13 from
> > source on Red Hat 7.3 on an Intel PIII system. xdvi has some problems
> > finding fonts, it seems. The message I am now getting when I run
> > xdvi is:
> > Any pointers to a fix for this problem would be appreciated.
> > Thanks-
> Are you sourcing lilypond-profile (or lilypond-login if you're using
> csh ?) at login?  If so what does
>     set | egrep 'TEXMF|GS'
> say ?
I do not explicitly call lilypond-profile, but I found lilypond.sh had
been installed in /etc/profile.d. Here are the environmental variable 

$ set | egrep 'TEXMF|GS'

There are many *.afm and *.pfa files installed in
the two directories of GS_FONTPATH (including the feta26 which xdvi
cannot find). 

/usr/share/lilypond/ps contains two files: lilyponddefs.ps  and

Any suggestions? Would re-installing help?

Thanks very much for your help.
 - Paco

> -- 
> Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen 

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