> I want to typeset a song with alternative volta endings and chords (lily
> 1.4.9). How can I get the Chord symbols below the volta bracket? I tried
> to move the Volta_engraver to ScoreContext, but the result is not very
> nice.

good question. I don't know. Have you tried adding 
volta-engraver to ChordName context?

> Btw. is it possible to get the following output for lyrics in some
> version:
>                    { repeat text 1 ending 1          }
> text before repeat {                                 } text after repeat
>                    { repeat text 2          ending 2 }
> (no blank line and text before and after repeat are in the middle.
> Repeat is sourrounded by braces)

No, not out of the box. You'll have to improvise using space lyrics.

> On the other hand I want to set some text above the chord symbols
> (namely "Refrain" and "Strophe" in italic). How could I achieve that?
> f^"Refrain" is still below the chords.

quick & dirty: use extra-offset to  move it above  the chords part.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen 

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