Moving from 1.2.17 to 1.4.12 some of my favourite commands do not work as expected
The command I had standardized for boxed rehearsal marks, i.e. \mark "{\\font\\twelverm=cmbx12\\twelverm{\\hspace{10mm}\\raisebox{0mm}{\\fbox{1}}}}" makes some additional white space to be inserted before and after the barline preceding the \mark command. The command I had standardized for "circled" rehearsal marks, i.e. \mark "{\\font\\twelverm=cmbx12\\twelverm{% \\hspace{0mm}% \\raisebox{-1mm}{% \\setlength{\\unitlength}{1mm}% \\begin{picture}(7,7)% \\put(3.5,3.5){\\circle{7.0}\\makebox(0,0){1}}% \\end{picture}% }% }}" is not usable at all (lots of white space before and after the barline). Do you have any suggestion to solve the problem? I would like to look in the sources to see if I can do something to solve the problems outlined in my previous posting about percent repeat: - Too wide percent repeat measures - It is not possible to have multiple precent repeat behave a la "skipBars" Where should I start looking? Is there a place in the documentation or in the sources where the algorithm used for horizontal spacing is clearly described? Thanks a lot for your help, Antonio Palama' _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]