On Tue, 11 Jun 2002 08:57:52 Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
> > 
> > > You need his permission to publish, but there is no reason to ask
> him
> > > to surrender his rights.  Why do you want to do that?
> > 
> > I am very unsure about the legal stuff, but I think (thought...?)
> that 
> > if something was distributed along with the lilypond-archive then it
> HAD 
> > to be licenced under GNU...?
> We can make exceptions for example files, but he must allow
> royalty-free distribution, and live with the fact that some people
> might alter the score on their own. Perhaps it's more interesting to
> include  a snippet of the score (OTOH, if it is largely autogenerated,
> he might not mind.)

That is by far the best solution.  If he released XX number of measures
of his piece under GNU, it would not diminish his rights to the whole
one iota.  The person who wrote the lyrics (not the main part of the
melody) of "Lemon Tree" was able to enforce his copyright on the
basis of the *single word*, "lemon" in the lyrics.  It doesn't matter
how it is produced, his rights apply to
the music not the code.  It would be wise to also modify the title to
unintentional harm, even though a title cannot be copyrighted.

Information is not knowledge.           Belief is not truth.
Indoctrination is not teaching.   Tradition is not evidence.
         David Raleigh Arnold   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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