One feature of Lilypond is that it adjusts the spacing between different staves and between staves and lyrics based on the vertical extent of each stave. The problem is that the highest and lowest object of a stave is used to determine the spacing, even though they may be separated horizontally. In this specific example it means that Lilypond doesn't realize that the clef will never collide with the lyrics.
One possible solution is to specify the vertical extent of each stave manually, just add the following to your example: \score{ ... \paper{ \translator{ \StaffContext VerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4) } } } The problem is that if you have notes lower than middle C in the upper stave, it will collide with the lyrics. You could also increase the minimal vertical extent of the other staves, so they get the same extent as the stave with the tenor clef, setting MinimumVerticalExtent = #'(-6 . 4) instead of VerticalExtent. Then, Lilypond will still increase the spacing if necessary if you have some notes with many ledger lines. In the latest development versions, the default spacing seems to have been increased, giving a result similar to what you get with the second alternative. /Mats > I would like to use the treble clef down an octave (G_8) for the tenor > voice in transcribing a choral piece. I notice that the lyrics are > placed lower than when a simple treble clef is used, as if they are > trying to avoid clashing with the 8 below the clef. Is there a way I > can get the lyrics higher? > > I append an example file. > > Thanks > Iain Phillips > --------------------- > \version "1.4.3" > % Example shows that Lilypond takes the size of the clef into account > % when positioning lyrics. > > \score { > < > \addlyrics > \context Staff = SopStaff { > \clef violin > \notes \relative c' {c d e f} > } > \context Lyrics = SopLyrics { > \lyrics { > do re mi fa > } > } > \addlyrics > \context Staff = TenStaff { > \clef "G_8" > \notes \relative c {c d e f} > } > \context Lyrics = TenLyrics { > \lyrics { > do re mi fa > } > } > > > } > > _______________________________________________ > Lilypond-user mailing list > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]