> HI,
> If I hooked up a music keyboard to my computer, would lilypond be able to 
> write the notes I play on sheetmusic for me to print out?  If so, how does 
> that work?

Well, if you have some kind of sequencer program you
can use the keyboard to generate a MIDI file. Lilypond
comes with a utility called midi2ly which then can
produce a Lilypond input file. However, you'll probably
not want to use this route since you have to play extremely
rhythmical to get the desired note durations and you still
have to edit the .ly files to add slurs, dynamics and all
other information that's printed in a score but not 
included in the MIDI file.
>From what I have seen on the mailing list, the people
who have tried midi2ly have soon abandoned that 
strategy and come to the conclusion that it's faster
to use the ordinary computer keyboard to write the 
Lilypond file directly.

You could also try the graphical score editor NoteEdit
which includes a sequencer the apparantly is more clever
than midi2ly. NoteEdit can export several different
file formats, including Lilypond files.


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