Dear colleagues,

I'm running Lily version 1.5.58. I cannot seem to get rid of the little 
"3's" under each triplet beam in this excerpt:

    \property Voice.tupletSpannerDuration = #(make-moment 1 8)
    \property Voice.TupletBracket  \set #'tuplet-number-visibility = ##f
    \times 2/3{[d'( )cis'' b'-.] [cis'( )b' a'-.] [b( )a' gis'-.] [bis( 
)gis' fis'-.]
    [cis'\<( d'\!dis'] [fis'\> e' ) \!cis'] [gis-.( a-. b-.] [cis'-. 
d'-. )e'-.] }

Did I mistype the tuplet bracket property somehow? Or has the 
nomenclature changed since 1.4?

Thanks very much.


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
To have died once is enough.
                -- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)
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