Hey gang,

how's the best way to script 4 voice texuture on 2 staves?

now i have this, but it doesn't work, the \soprano and \alto come after 
eachother in stead of under eachother..
any thoughts, thanks?


\header {
        title="Assignment 6"
        composer="Jule Slootbeek"

stemUp = \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #1
stemDown = \property Voice.Stem \override #'direction = #-1

soprano =  \notes \relative c'' \context Voice = soprano {
                \stemUp bes c8 d es c g' a g4 ges fis g e8 c 16 d e4 dis e

alto = \notes \relative c' \context Voice = alto {
                \stemDown f8 g a4 a b c8 bes a c a b b4 b ais fis g

tenor = \notes \relative c \context Voice = tenor {
                \stemUp d f es a g a c8 bes16 a g4 g ais b g

bass = \notes \relative c \context Voice = bass {
                \stemDown bes c c d es c dis d b ces b e

\score {
        < \context Staff = Up {
                \time 2/4
                \clef treble
                \key bes \major
                \context Staff = Down {
                \clef bass
                \key bes \major
        \paper {}
Jule Slootbeek  


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