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To: Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: beam_control_fix_almost
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>    \context Staff \notes \relative c'' {
>       { [c'8 c c c] }
>       {
>           \property Voice.Beam \set #'staff-position = #-5
>           [c8 \clef bass e,, e e]
>       }
>    }
>    \paper{linewidth = -1.0}

The above fix didn't work.  It still left me with the preceding group
changed as well as all the following ones.  This almost fixes it:

        \clef "bass"
        \key d \minor

        % 12
        d16  d'16  cis'16
d'16  a16  d'16  c'16  d'16  bes16  d'16 
         g'16  d'16  a16  d'16  fis'16
d'16  | \break
        % 13
        \context Staff \notes {
        \property Voice.Beam
\override #'staff-position = #-10 
        [d16 \clef treble d''16  cis''16
        \property Voice.Beam \revert #'staff-position
        a'16  d''16
c''16  d''16  
        bes'16  d''16  g''16  d''16  a'16  d''16  fis''16  d''16
\clef bass |
        % 14
        d16  d'16(  cis'16  )d'16  c'16  d'16  bes16  e'16  a16
         c'16  f'16  a16  f'16  f16  ees'16  | \break

I say "almost" because the preceding group of four sixteenths are also
affected.  The beam that needs to be adjusted is beat one of measure 13.
As it stands now, beat 4 of measure 12 is also being adjusted.  This above
is the offending fragment of the file.  The file was originally generated
using 'midi2ly' and does not use '\relative'.  A zipped PS file of this
fragment is also attached and illustrates the problem. [RH7.1, Lily
1.4.7--yes, I'll upgrade soon ;-) ]

I kind of stumbled onto using '\override' and '\revert'.  Is this how they
should be used?


David Bobroff

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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