Sorry, my fingers slipped so I sent a half finished answer > > ...
> If you take a look at the bottom of the file in the \score{...} > declaration, you'll notice that the \tempi identifier isn't > used. If you uncomment the commented line and comment the > next line, you'll get a version of the score with the tempo > indication included. In the same way you can include the > \tempi identifier in the separate parts. > > In general, this is the way I usually treat the problem. > If you want a different font on the tempo indications compared > to the other text scripts in the score, it's convenient to > define a separate Voice context for the tempo indications, > for example: tempi = context Voice = tempi \notes{ \property Voice.TextScript \override #'font-relative-size ÿ1 \property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding ÿ4 \time 4/4 s1*20^"Vivace" | % Print Vivace, skip the next 20 bars waiting s1*10^"Largo" | % for the next tempo indication. s2. s4^"Fine" | \time 3/4 | s2.*20 | s2 s4^"da capo al Fine" } > > Such a capability should also include the potential for changes, such as > > a section in a new tempo. In the "global" list I guess it would appear > > as a \skip. You could use \skip or 's' as in the example above. /Mats _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]