
Attribute it if you will to a double-digit IQ, but I cannot figure out 
how to create a simple piano score with a voice line either on its own 
staff above the piano part or with lyrics set between the two piano 
lines, within the piano staff.

I downloaded examples to study from Mutopia, but they are all 
complicated by alternative languages or mulitple verses. I can't seem to 
untangle what I need. The "lyrics" sections of the manual only deal with 
a single accompanimental line.

When you have the time, I would very much appreciate help with the most 
basic ways to set up these two kinds of vocal scores (voice on its own 
line above the piano part, and lyrics alone within the piano staff).

Thanks very much. By the way, some colleagues who use (very expensive) 
Mosaic on their Macs were quite impressed with the printed Lilypond 
output that I showed them, especially when I pointed out that the total 
cost of the software involved was $0.00. Bravi tutti.

Carter Brey


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits.
                -- Mark Twain
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