Im a beginner in lilypond, and im using the windows
version, but when i try run lilypond-book, appears the follow message:
"AttributeError: LatexPaper instance has no attribute 'm_' ". The same
occours if i change the file extension by .tex or .mulatex. Bellow follow the
body of the file that im using:
\begin{document} test
\notes{a b c} \end{lilypond} end
What's trouble?
Thanks for attention.
Edson Jr
- lilypond-book question jeff covey
- Re: lilypond-book question Mats Bengtsson
- Re: lilypond-book question jeff covey
- Re: lilypond-book question Mats Bengtsson
- Re: lilypond-book question jeff covey
- Re: lilypond-book question jeff covey
- Re: Lilypond-book question Edson
- Re: Lilypond-book question Jan Nieuwenhuizen