On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 11:34:30PM -0300, marcelo martin wrote:
> The problem is that the lyrics for 
> alto, tenor and bass end up being displayed under the 
> soprano staff, together with the soprano lyrics. I get
> this warning from "ly2dvi":

>   \addlyrics
>          \context Staff = alto {
>          \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
>          \property Staff.noAutoBeaming= ##t
>          \altoMel
>   } % alto 
>   \context Lyrics \altoLyr

Have you tried to add the name of the corresponding staff to the lyrics?

         \context Staff = alto {
         \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
         \property Staff.noAutoBeaming= ##t
  } % alto 
  \context Lyrics = alto \altoLyr

It worked for me, but was the result of "try'n'error".

Best regards


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