> Has anyone noticed the recent spammings of the Lilypond mailing list? I
> have received about 15 emails in the past two days that claim to be
> offering a special "just for the members of the mailing list". These
> things seem to have nothing to do with music, let alone being about
> music notation.
> Is there anything that can be done on the administrators side to stop
> these things? or are we forever going to receive these things?

I looked into the mailmain configuration, and apparently, there is no
support for separate moderators,  so moderating for non-member-posts
seems infeasible.

Mailman does provide header content filtering. So I've added some
rules (from my private .procmail anti-spam library) that will keep out
various brands of spam. Hopefully, this will curb the amount a bit.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

Lilypond-user mailing list

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