
I've never seen an answer to this Mail. My LilyPond knowledge is not so
good and I don'nt know anything about Chinese and LaTeX. Plese correct
me, if I'm wrong:

Am Mit, 27. Feb 2002 04:10:37 -0500, schrieb Francis M. C. Ching:
> But I also realize that this is not enough, since the tagline apparently
> cannot be coerced to work.  To get Chinese texts at other places to work, I
> have to use bg5conv'ed text.  The problem is for the lyrics, the text glob
> size is calculated based on the converted string.  The end result is while CJK
> was able to convert the strings back to Chinese font, they are all shifted.
> About the only thing that works without much tweaking is the title and the
> author names.  For some strange reason, the tagline disappears if \begin{CJK*}
> ... \end{CJK*} is present in the .latex file.  If anyone has looked into this
> before, please let me know.

Well, I've been thinking about such problems before your mail. I thought
about German texts. There I've not noticed very bad visual results, but
LilyPond complains:
Warnung: can't find ascii character: 223
I'm typing in 8bit ISO-8859-1(5). 

So I thought about it. The problem is, that there exists lots of
encodings (input and output). If Lily want's to be able to do all these
things, she has to deal with some international Charsets. 

So what could we do? 
I think there are only two ways: 
1) LilyPond learns to deal with inputencodings and outputencodings
2) LilyPond gives the task of calulation of dimensions of strings back
   to (La)TeX.
For 2) there I see again two possibilities:
a) LilyPond writes a file, which will be processed by TeX and reads
   dimensions from the output of this pass
b) Replace lilypond-book by a real LaTeX-Package, which partly
   implements the syntax in such a way, that it writes every
   LilyPond-Command to a .ly file without changing and puts a Box with the
   calculated dimensions around every string. Afterwards it processes
   the correspondenting .tex file, which is written by lilypond. 
   The Box command should be something like "\xybox{2cm}{3cm}{Mix of
   Text and non-trivial (La)TeX-commands, which will be placed in a Box
   of 2x3 cm}" Instead of the TeX syntax there could be used sceme

> In LaTeX, I can do that by calling \textcircled{\textsc{a}},
> for instance.  How do I do that within a .ly file so that \lilypondfile will
> place the command intact into the corresponding lily-xxx.tex file?  
Try using:
(including quotes).



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