> Hi,
> Until 2 weeks ago, I was using lilypond 1.4.9 on debian woody, on
> my previous computer. I had no problem with lyrics. then I changed my
> machine, also using Debian, and the lilypond package was upgraded to
> 1.4.10. Then I got problems.
> Compiling the attached file (which is a bit long, sorry) produces the
> following output:

try the following patch for your .ly

        --- 1-1-ces.ly~   Sat Mar  2 19:59:45 2002
        +++ 1-1-ces.ly    Sat Mar  2 20:10:33 2002
        @@ -416,9 +416,10 @@
             linewidth = 17.0 \cm
             \translator {\OrchestralScoreContext }
             \translator {\StaffContext }
        -    \translator {\LyricsContext
        -      \consists "Bar_engraver" }
        +    \translator {\LyricsContext }
             \translator {\LyricsVoiceContext
        -      \consists "Bar_engraver" } }
        +      \consists "Bar_engraver"
        +      Bar \override #'bar-size = #0.01
        +      } }
           \midi {
             \tempo 4 = 120 } }


--- span-bar.cc~        Fri Feb  1 19:16:16 2002
+++ span-bar.cc         Sat Mar  2 20:12:53 2002
@@ -91,10 +91,18 @@
     Interval l(prev_extent [UP],

-                    Molecule interbar
-                        = Bar::compound_barline (staff_bar,
-glyph_str, l.length());
-             interbar.translate_axis (l.center (), Y_AXIS);
-               span_bar_mol.add_molecule (interbar);
+                 if (l.empty_b ())
+                     {
+                           /* there is  overlap between the bar
-lines. We do nothign here.
+              */
+                  }
+                    else
+                        {
+                              Molecule interbar
+                                       = Bar::compound_barline
-(staff_bar, glyph_str, l.length());
+                  interbar.translate_axis (l.center (), Y_AXIS);
+                        span_bar_mol.add_molecule (interbar);
+                            }
       prev_extent = ext;

> when I compile, say, examples/input/regression/lyric-phrasing.ly or
> non-empty-text.ly, the dvi file shows the texts
> printed, but when I dvips it, the ps file does not.

Strange. It seems to work over here.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

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