> i'm trying to match the bach-gesellschaft edition here:
> http://jeffcovey.net/music/scores/bach/inventions/06/
> , and it has one fermata above and one below the final barline.  i
> found directions in the faq to move the fermata over the barline, but
> doing the same thing in the bottom part doesn't put one under it.
> what should i do?

Adding a fermata below the score line is simple, just use
scripts-dfermata instead of scripts-ufermata and set
\property Score.RehearsalMark \override #'direction = #-1

The problem is that you want two simultaneous \marks with 
different property settings. If you have only a single 
staff line, I don't see any solution. However, since you
have two separate staves in the score, you could move the
Mark_engraver from the Score context to the Staff contexts. 

I modified your file to include such a solution, see the

However, I'd really like to see a solution where we could 
typeset also two rehearsal marks above and below a single
staff line. Maybe even with a convenient syntax like
\mark ^"Text above" \mark _"Text below".

\header {
  mydate = 
  "Time-stamp: \"bach-invention-06.ly was last updated on Mon, 7 Jan 2002 08:27pm\""
  filename =     "bach-invention-06.ly"
  title =        "Invention 6"
  composer =     "J. S. Bach (1685-1750)"
  opus =         "BWV 777"

 mutopiatitle = "Invention 6"
 mutopiacomposer = "J. S. Bach (1685-1750)"
 mutopiaopus = "BWV 777"
 mutopiainstrument = "Harpsichord, Piano"
 source = "Bach-Gesellschaft"
 style = "Baroque"
 copyright = "Public Domain"
 maintainer = "jeff covey"
 maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
 maintainerWeb = "http://pobox.com/~jeff.covey/";
 lastupdated = "2002/01/07"

\version "1.3.148"

global = \notes { \key e \major \time 3/8 }

voiceOne = 
        \notes \relative c'' {
        \repeat volta 2 {
        r16 [e8 dis d16] ~ [d cis8 b a16] ~
        [a16 gis8 fis gis32 a] [gis16 b32 a b16 gis32 fis gis16 e32 dis]
        % 5
        [e8 fis gis] [a b cis] [dis e16 dis cis b] [e8 e,] r
        % 9
        r16 [gis'8 e cis16] ~ [cis e32 dis e16 cis ais fis] ~
        [fis fis'8 dis b16] ~ [b   dis32 cis dis16 b gis e] ~
        [e16 e'8 cis ais16] ~ [ais gis'8 fis e16] ~ [e dis8 cis b16]
        % 16
        [ais16 e32 dis e16 ais32 gis ais16 b32 ais]
        [b16 dis, cis dis' cis, ais']
        b8 r16 [b dis fis]
        b8 r16 [b fis dis]
        [b fis dis b] r8

        \repeat volta 2 {
        % 21
        [b8 cis dis] [e fis gis] [ais b16 ais gis fis] [b8 b,] r
        r16 [b''8 ais a16] ~ [a gis8 fis e16] ~ [e dis8 cis dis32 e]
        [dis16 fis32 e fis16 dis32 cis dis16 b32 ais]
        % 29
        [b16   dis32  cis   dis16  gis32   fisis gis16   cis,32 b   ]
        [cis16 e32    dis   e16    ais32   gis   ais16   dis,32 cis ]
        [dis16 gis32  fisis gis16  b32     ais   b16     dis,32 cisis]
        [dis16 ais'32 gis   ais16  fisis32 eis   fisis16 dis32  cisis]
        % 33
        [dis16 a'!8  gis fis16] ~ [fis e32   dis e16   cis32 bis  cis16  e32   dis]
        [e16   gis8 fis e16]   ~ [e   dis32 cis dis16 b32   ais  b16    cis32 b  ]
        [cis16 e8   dis cis16] ~ [cis b32   ais b16   gis32 fisis gis16 a32   gis]
        % 39
        [a16 cis32    b   cis16   a32   gis a16   e'32 dis]
        [e16 fisis,32 eis fisis16 ais32 gis ais16 b,32 ais]
        [b16 gis' e cis ais fisis'] [gis dis b gis] r8
        % 43
        [e'8 fis gis] [a b cis] [dis! e16 dis cis b] [e8. b32 a b16 gis32 fis]
        [gis16 e'8 dis d16] ~ [d cis8 b a16] ~ [a gis8 fis gis32 a]
        [gis16 b32 a b16 gis32 fis gis16 e32 dis]
        % 50
        [e8   fis a] [b dis fis] [dis, e gis] [a cis e]
        [cis, fis a] [b cis dis] [e    cis a]
        % 57
        fis'4. ~ [fis16 e dis cis b a]
        [gis16 e32   dis e16   gis32 fis gis16 b32 a  ]
        [b16   gis32 fis gis16 b32   a   b16   e32 dis]
        [e16 b gis e] r8
        \property Score.RehearsalMark \override #'visibility-lambda = 
        \mark #'(music "scripts-ufermata")      

voiceTwo = 
        \notes \relative c {
        \clef "bass"

        \repeat volta 2 {
        [e8 fis gis] [a b cis] [dis! e16 dis cis b] [e8 e,] r
        % 5
        r16 [e8 dis d16] ~ [d cis8 b a16] ~
        [a16 gis8 fis gis32 a] [gis16 b32 a b16 gis32 fis gis16 e32 dis]
        % 9
        [e8 cis' e] [fis ais cis] [dis,, b' dis] [e gis b]
        [cis,, cis' e] [fis gis ais] [b e, gis]
        % 16
        [fis16 cis' ais cis e, cis'] [dis,8 e fis]
        [b,16  b'32  ais b16   fis32 e   fis16 dis32 cis]
        [dis16 fis32 e   fis16 dis32 cis dis16 b32 ais]
        b4 b,8
        \repeat volta 2 {
        % 21
        r16 [b''8 ais a16] ~ [a gis8 fis e16] ~ [e dis8 cis dis32 e]
        [dis16 fis32 e fis16 dis32 cis dis16 b32 ais]
        [b8 cis dis] [e fis gis] [ais b16 ais gis fis] [b8 b,] r
        % 29
        [gis' b dis]     [fisis, ais dis] [gis, b dis]  [dis, dis' cis]
        [bis cis dis]    [gis, cis b!]    [ais b cis]   [fis, b dis   ]
        [fisis, gis! ais] [dis, gis b ]    cis, r cis' ~ [cis ais fisis]
        [gis cis, dis]   gis, r16 [gis gis' fis] ~
        % 43
        [fis16 e8 dis d16] ~ [d cis8 b a16] ~ [a gis8 fis gis32 a]
        [gis16 b32 a b16 gis32 fis gis16 e32 dis]
        % 47
        [e8 fis gis] [a b cis] [dis! e16 dis cis b] [e8. b'32 a b16 gis32 fis]
        % 51
        [gis16 cis8 a fis16] ~ [fis a32 gis a16 fis dis b] ~
        [b b'8 gis e16] ~ [e gis32 fis gis16 e cis a] ~
        [a16 a'8 fis dis16] ~ [dis cis'8 b a16] ~ [a gis8 fis e16]
        % 57
        [dis16 a'32 gis a16 dis,32 cis dis16 gis32 fis] [gis8 a b]
        e, r16 [e' b gis] [e b' gis e b gis] e4 e'8
        \property Staff.RehearsalMark \override #'direction = #-1
        \mark #'(music "scripts-dfermata")      

\score {
        \notes \context GrandStaff < 
                \context Staff = one <
                \context Staff = two <

      \remove "Mark_engraver"
      \consists "Mark_engraver"
        \midi { \tempo 8 = 80 }


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