> Okay, it's built ... gasp ... pant ... pant ... :-) > > Thanx for all the help. > > Now I cd'd to the ./input dir and did > > lilypond twinkle.ly > > and it built me a midi and a tex file. > > Now I'm trying to see this. Excuse that I'm so ignorant about TeX and am just > looking for INSTANT GRATIFICATION here to believe the struggle is now > merely a case of RTFM ... I'm trying to build a .pdf of twinkle.tex and it can't > find the fonts. I have $TETEXDIR set correctly, but here's what happens: > > [23:40:35 jax@mitra:/usr/local/src/various/lilypond-stuff/lilypond-1.5.25/input]$ >texi2pdf -I /usr/local/share/lilypond/tex twinkle.tex
I guess you have read the INSTALL documentation very carefully, now it's time to read the manual. If you read the section on Running LilyPond in the Tutorial, you'll see that the normal way to invoke LilyPond is to run ~> ly2dvi file.ly which gives you a .dvi file, or ~> ly2dvi -P file.ly which also gives you a PS file. To get PDF files, read the FAQ at http://lilypond.org/wiki/?PostProcessing /Mats _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user